
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kristy’s Dilemma, By Hailey M.

Kristy’s Dilemma

By Hailey M.

“Sis, could you do something for me?” my mother asked. I looked up from the book I was reading. “Sure, Mom. What do you need?” I asked.

“I need you to run some errands for me. I would do it myself, but your brother and sister are down with the flu,” Mom said with stress in her voice.

“Sure. I don’t mind,” I said cheerfully. I got up out of my seat and grabbed my jacket; Mom walked to the island, got a shopping list and money, and then handed them to me.

“I want you to do these errands and come home right away when you’re done, okay?” Mom asked.

“I will,” I said. I walked out of our house and headed to the grocery store.

After getting the groceries on the list, I walked to the check-out counter. As a young woman with a limp was checking out, some of her money fell; I glanced at the money. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head. “Don’t tell that lady about the money,” the voice in my head hissed. “Just keep the money for yourself. It’s the exact amount that you need to get that book you’ve been wanting.” I just knew that it was Satan. I quoted a part Matthew 16:23, "Get thee behind me, Satan." I knelt and picked up the money. “Ma’am?” I said. “I believe this is yours.” I handed the money to the lady.

“Why, thank you, honey,” she said as she took the money from me. “I didn’t even know I had dropped it, and I sure needed this to pay my bills.”

“You’re welcome,” I said with a smile. I checked out, paid for the groceries, and headed for home.

As I walked out of the store and down the street, I heard someone calling my name. “Kristy, wait up!” they shouted.

I turned around to see Jenny and Jessica, two of my friends, running up to me. “Hey, guys. What’s up?” I asked.

“We’re heading to Nicole’s house to watch a few movies,” Jenny said excitedly. “Wanna come?”

I immediately was going to say yes. Then, I remembered what Mom had told me. “Maybe another time,” I said. “I’ve got to head home.”

“Aw, come on,” Jessica said. “You can at least watch one movie with us.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, but I gotta get done with these errands and head home ‘cause my mom really needs me. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at church,” I said. With a wave, I walked over to the bookstore to get a Bible for my dad for his birthday. Walking around the bookstore, I felt encouraged and excited, Mom had placed trust in me, which meant I was really growing up! I wanted the perfect gift for Dad, he always did so much for us, and I wanted to please him. My eye was caught by the Bible section. Walking over I spotted a black one with gold lettering, it was perfect! Just what Dad needed. Quickly, I went to the check-out counter and paid for my purchase. Gathering my bags, I hurried home to help Mom, she had been working so hard to take care of all of us, I wanted to help in any way I could.

When I got home, I rushed inside, anxious to tell Mother about my trip. “I’m back!" I shouted.

Mom was busy in the kitchen preparing lunch. “Is Dad home yet?” I asked her.

“Not yet. He’s working late,” Mom assured me.

“Good,” I sighed with relief. I quickly wrapped the Bible and hid it. “Do you think Dad will like his present?” I asked anxiously.

“Of course, you picked it out, and he loves you.” Mom said with a smile.

Then, I burst out with my news: “Mom,while I was doing the errands, I ran into trouble. First, a lady dropped her money in the grocery store and Satan told me to keep it, but I didn’t, I gave the money back to her. Then, Jenny and Jessica wanted me to go with them to Nikki’s house to watch some movies. I almost did, but I remembered what you told me and I came home,” I rushed to explain.

Mom laid a hand on my shoulder, as I looked up and saw her smiling and proud face, with a comfort in my heart; I knew I did the right thing; and it felt great!


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